With thanks to the following persons for active participation and for their support:
Film maker: Bert de Vries, freelance film maker of the interview with Hetty Frank and founder ‘BvD producties’ for National television and has provided his services and expertise by filming and editing interview portraits of those contributing relevant and important stories to this monument.
Film maker: Anja Robertus, freelance founder of video2web.nu is the maker of the Introduction Video to ‘The Making of Colored by War’ and completed the film registration of the Preview. Her work includes a personal approach to visual storytelling. Video2Web is a creatieve production company with its roots in photography making films that stay with you. She is contributing a personal interview with her own mother Elly Trampenau on film to the monument.
Film maker: Hans van Raam, founder of ALL MATTERS, a small video-production office. For Colored by War he traveled to England with Clare Toms to film an interview Eva Schloss. He has produced, managed and directed videos for the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Academie van de Stad, National Geographic and Discovery Channel. www.allmatters.webklik.nl
Interviewer Clare Toms: Personal Assistant to Colored By War is responsible for introducing and interviewing Anne Frank’s step sister Eva Schloss. Clare is the editor of the biografie ‘First Hand, Second generation’ by Monica van Rijn which will be published in 2016.
Interviewer: Rob Hammink, freelance journalist is assisting the project with his time while interviewing participants and has provided his professional expertise (+25 years working for Dutch Newspaper Telegraaf) in writing press announcements/releases.
Photographer Martin Mullens: contributed animation loop to the exhibit Colored by War.
Film maker and coach Anita Mizrahi: is also a visual artist coaching Monica during “the making of” Colored by War.
Journalist Elsevier Weekblad and historian Gerlof Leistra wrote article over Hetty Frank and Colored by war pubished on May 5, 2016 and opened the exhibition on April 14, 2016.
Journalist Elsevier Weekblad en historicus Gerlof Leistra schreef artikel over Hetty Frank en Colored by War uitgegeven op 5 mei 2016 en opende Grand Opening Colored by War op 14 april 2016.
Personal advisor and prosecuting attorney against those accused of genocide, Max Marcus, coaches Monica during the ‘making of’ Colored by War.
Musician and actor Bert Vos, produced ‘Ida Vos’ luggage‘ and performed at the opening of the preview on December 10, 2015.
Singer, song writer Robyn (Robin Halvers), contributes and performs “Colored by War” at the Memorial Ceremony in Vondel Park on May 4th.
Hella de Jonge: artist, writer, documentary maker contributes her documentary during the preview exhibit.
coming soon Feb, 2020 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR THE SECOND GENERATION. a personal interview with author Arnon Grunberg.
Arnon Grunberg (1971): writer and reporter and lives in New York. Visit him online: www.arnongrunberg.com
Eva Schloss: author of ‘After Auschwitz, The Promise and Eva’s story. Eva is the stepdaughter of Otto Frank (Anne Frank’s father)
Sylvia Schloss: step granddaughter of Otto Frank
Hannes Hoots: Dutch citizen who helped camouflage Fokker Airline Company during the WWII bombings in Amsterdam North.
Han Schenk: Royal Dutch photographer and Colored By War ‘house photographer’.
Rudie Cortissos: guest speaker Westerbork Herinneringscentrum
Monica’s mother Hetty Frank: Survived 9 concentration camps including Auschwitz
Ronald Heister: PR4ALL Public Relations
Herinnerings Centrum (Camp) Westerbork
Landelijk Steunpunt Guest speakers WW II-Present
St. Nat. Monument Kamp (Camp) Amersfoort
Nationaal Monument Kamp (Camp) Vught
Cordaan – De Buitenhof and Beth Shalom (Elderly retirement homes)
Colored by War was made possible by financial support of Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst:
t 020 5200 520
w afk.nl
Pakhuis de Zwijger, Piet Heinkade 179, 1019 HC Amsterdam
Postbus 1079, 1000 BB Amsterdam
Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst